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34963 Hwy 101 Business, Astoria, OR
9:00-5:30 Monday-Saturday & 10:00-3:00 Sunday 503-325-1562
Buff Orpington
Use: Eggs/Meat
Egg Color: Brown
Egg Size: Extra Large
Eggs: 190
Temperament: Quite, Broody, Docile
Orpingtons are raised as a general purpose fowl, producing a heavy carcass and plenty of brown eggs. Buff Orpingtons are a golden variety of the breed which are easy to dress and have pinkish white skin. Their heavy full plumage make them excellent winter layers. They can do well in both confinement or free range. They are quiet, docile and even somewhat affectionate toward handlers. They are very cold-hardy and mature quickly.
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