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34963 Hwy 101 Business, Astoria, OR
9:00-5:30 Monday-Saturday & 10:00-3:00 Sunday 503-325-1562
Here is a quick list of our fencing materials. For sizes and pricing information please contact us:
Please note: product has been taking much longer to refill. Please order ahead to keep your project on schedule.
We're working hard to restock popular items!

Sheep and Goat Fence

Non-Climb Horse Fence

High Tensile Field Fence

Welded Wire

Fence Stay

Ruthless Barb Wire

2 point Barb Wire

Barbless Cable

Poultry Netting

Utility Fabric

Security Panel

Hi Five Panel


Cattle Panel

Hog Panel

Mesh Filled Gate

Value Gates

Heavy Duty Gates

Corral Panels

Chain Link Dog Kennel

Heavy Duty T-Posts

Lodgepole Pine Fence Post
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